Web3, Cryptocurrency And Blockchain Regulatory Compliance

As a company looking to expand your investment strategy to include digital assets, participate in ICOs, or build a platform for trading cryptocurrency as a broker-dealer, Vizier Ventures will help you navigate the rapidly evolving regulatory environment. With increased scrutiny on the sector due to instances of fraud, theft, misappropriation of funds, and connections to ransom and terrorism, it is crucial for companies entering the blockchain space to proactively establish regulatory frameworks. We also assist you in identifying the appropriate jurisdiction for regulation and guide you through the registration process. Our expertise covers:

  • Smart Contract Review and Testing
  • Tokenized Assets, Security Token Offerings, and Exchange Listings
  • Know Your Client and Anti-Money Laundering Checks, and Ongoing Compliance Monitoring
  • Investment, Mining, and Partnership Policies and Agreements
  • DEX/DAX and DeFi Operations
  • Private Placement Memorandums, Investment Prospectus, and Financial Reports
  • Exchange, Crypto, Financial & Regulatory Licensing
  • Marketing and Advertising Material Review
  • Jurisdiction Identification and Registration Guidance

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